homework 2: python basics#

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# In the box below, define a function called "subtract" that 
# subtracts one number from another. Make sure you include two 
# variables in the definition which will take the values of 
# the input numbers passed into the function. 
# Now call the same function, passing two random numbers as 
# parameters.
# Give an example of a "built-in" function that we have used in 
# class. Hint: we have used at least two.
# In a comment below, explain in your own words how a function 
# works and why it can be useful. 2-4 sentences.
# Write variable named `quote` that stores your favorite quote 
# of all time in the form of a list.
# Now write a loop that goes prints each word from the quote.
# Write a loop that prints the string "hello" using all capital 
# letters.
# In a comment below, explain in your own words how a loop works 
# and why it can be useful. 2-4 sentences. 
# Take the list that you created above (of your favorite quote)
# and write a list index that prints the first word of the quote.
# Take the same list, and write a list index that prints the a 
# slice of words from somewhere in the middle of the quote 
# (somewhere between the first and last words).
## BONUS ##
# Write a function that loops through a list or string which you 
# pass from the function call