
This website contains my ideas toward a dissertation on "Queer Tools." It houses an original proposal for my project, and a blog that tracks the development and struggles in my thinking and writing. In the future, I hope to include drafts of my chapters, hopefully in a way that enables feedback from readers.

The short pitch of my project is that I'm talking a critical look at a variety of digital tools to see how they don't work, or work in unexpected ways, to study life writing by queer authors. I'm interested in a few works of queer literature from the "long 20th century," by Oscar Wilde, Virginia Woolf, and Octavia Butler. Each chapter of this project takes up one of these tools to explore a facet of this central question: How do digital methods facilitate queer encounters with literature?

Besides working on this dissertation, I'm also a Digital Fellow for the Graduate Center Digital Initiatives, where I work on suppporting students and faculty who want to integrate digital research methods into their work, and I teach courses on topics from Literature to Computer Science at NYU, the New School, and across CUNY. See more on my personal website.

