Other articles

  1. Loops

    A couple of weeks ago, I had a Python workshop where I piloted a streamlined version of my "Python for Working with Text" series, playing around with the idea of a tutorial that jumps more directly into loops from a very basic introduction to programming. The workshop brought me to …

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  2. Sketching the Book

    So I have been thinking more and more about my dissertation, and what to do with it. At first, I really resisted the idea of publishing it. That genre of academic writing, which I mimed as a learning exercise, feels inauthentic to me in the end. When I look at …

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  3. Looking Back

    Reading over all of the posts on this blog, I'm struck by how my thoughts have evolved around defining queerness and deploying it for my project.

    Early on, I remember being guided by this idea of queerness as something that is not fully intelligible, not able to be fully grasped …

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  4. Sex And Flesh

    Since the spring my ideas for this chapter have solidified, and I am beginning to see what the argument may look like. In the past few days the fragments are coming together as a whole, to my surprise, as I've become increasingly desperate, beating my head against a wall to …

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  5. Envisioning Chapter Three

    These are some speculations for my third chapter, which I'm going to begin researching this spring. Whereas the first two chapters were about text analysis and text encoding, this chapter will be about media. I'm looking to explore how an attention to the material specificity of media enhances our reading …

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  6. Tei And Queer Form

    The work on chapter two has been taking longer than I thought- there were three weeks of heavy revision in October/November, where I made the following changes at the request of my peer reviewers. Then a round of copyediting, which is done, and the final round of proofreading, to …

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  7. Drafting Chapter Two

    The goal for the summer was to address the remaining small edits of the first chapter and to complete a readable draft of the second chapter by August 31. I managed to make that goal, though a few days late.

    I was able to repurpose most of my seminar paper …

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  8. Revisting Chapter One

    After letting the draft sit for a while, slightly traumatized by the hectic process of wrapping it up over the winter, I was pleasantly surprised by my perspective on it now. The argument that I found discouragingly convoluted still reads as a bit messy but also intriguing, particularly in the …

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  9. Closing Up Chapter One

    Even though I still need to finalize the conclusion (and add a final example of text analysis), I'm deeming the first draft of my first chapter complete. It's been nearly a year, and the thing has taken so many shapes, texts, interventions in the meantime. Although there's still a little …

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