Submitted my prospectus to the English office today. It's been a long process---three months, three drafts, two reviews in Dissertation Workshop.
I changed the introduction, going more directly into Queer DH. I also narrowed down the focus of the main paragraphs after the intro: reading method, Life Writing, Cyborgs, and added a paragraph on "Queer," used in three ways:
- Queer Methods (reading practices, relationality---touching but not touching)- A reading method, searching for moments of misfitting.
- Queer Materiality (queer subjects, digital media)- At the level of the body and the computer, looking at the materiality of "mind" and "computation". Close reading the man and the machine. A rubric for engagement, human-machine interactions, the cyborg.
- Queer Texts (life writing: memoir & journals, manuscripts)- Formal experiments of literature that engage experience and cognition as embodied processes, modes of perception that are enworlded. Figurations of the digital.
I also added a paragraph, "Toward Disability," which elaborates the aesthetic encounter between reader and object, the logical conclusion of a queer relationality, my reading method. Here, I concretize my interest in "electronic editing schemas that mark elusive subjectivities, digital annotation tools that visualize affective responses to reading, and archival digitization efforts that animate the past." I also added a paragraph introducting the chapter descriptions and tying together the threads around this central question: "How do our current digital tools facilitate queer encounters with literature?"
In a meeting last week, M-- asked me some questions that helped me to whittle down my motives:
How would I summarize my project in one sentence? - About looking at ways that technology disrupts our expectations. How it prompts the incommensurable.
What am I most interested in? - The materiality of media, and of human bodies.